Eating ostrich meat for weight loss! An introduction to its potential and recipes

last update date 2023-09-19 | release date 2019-01-21

Eating Ostrich Meat for Weight Loss! Introduction to the Potential and Recipes

Amazing Ostrich Meat! Rich Nutrition that Cannot be Found in Other Meats

Ostrich meat is still a bit unknown in Japan and some people may be surprised that ostrich can even be eaten. Ostrich meat is classified as poultry, and like chicken is known for its white meat, but ostrich meat is red, close to the color of beef. From the color alone, you can tell ostrich meat is filled with nutrition, but is this actually true? Today we’ll be introducing the potential of low-calorie, low-fat ostrich meat.

  1. Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

    Ostrich meat contains a lot of vitamin B which is needed to burn sugar, protein and fat. Therefore, consuming ostrich meat helps accumulate less fat and is great for weight loss. Also, this meat is great for  our skin’s health so it’s also recommended for beauty care. In addition, ostrich meat contains iron to make red blood cells, and phosphorus to make our bones stronger. This makes ostrich meat perfect for those who are anemic or want to prevent osteoporosis.
  2. Low-Calorie and High Protein

    Compared with beef, pork and chicken, ostrich meat’s calorie count to protein per 100g ratio is the highest.  An important point for weight loss is how to consume protein while suppressing calories. Therefore, among the varieties of meat, ostrich meat is great for weight loss. ※Source: Ostrich - Japan Livestock Technology Association (2001) Beef, Pork, Chicken – Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (Fifth Revised Edition)
  3. L-carnitine (Fat Burning Supplement)

    L-carnitine plays a crucial role for burning fat. The production of L-carnitine tends to decrease as we age so we need to supplement for the loss. For people who think that they’re not losing weight compared to when they were younger, lack of L-carnitine may be the cause.
  4. Creatine

    Creatine is a type of amino acid that helps relieve fatigue and increase muscle growth.This is the same creatine you hear Athletes taking to increase performance. Muscle building is a crucial point in weight loss, and thus, creatine is a useful amino acid for those who want to lose weight efficiently.

Ostrich meat is a low-calorie, high in protein meat that includes L-carnitine and creatine which are, as mentioned previously, great for weight loss. For those who say that dietieng is difficult , there may be an alternative just by eating Ostrich meat.

Meat Cut and Recipe 101 of Ostrich Meat

We will introduce our recommended recipes for different cuts of ostrich meat. Ostrich meat can be cooked as a  steak, sauté, or even in stews just like other meats!

Ostrich Filet Steak

Ostrich Filet Steak

Filet is a rare meat cut where only a small portion can be found from one ostrich. The meat has less fat, is tender, and it is great for steak and sauté.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
  • ostrich filet meat⋯⋯200g
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  1.  Remove the filet from the refrigerator 1 hour before cooking. If the meat is cold, the meat will not be evenly cooked.Ostrich filet out from the fridge
  2. Lightly season with salt and pepper and join with olive oil in a frying pan to cook at medium heat.
  3. Cook for 2 minutes on one side, then cook the other side for a minute and a half.
  4. Stop the heat and let the meat rest for about a minute and a half. By resting it, the heat passes to the center, and the umami flavor spreads throughout the meat.

Ostrich Thigh Carpaccio

Ostrich Thigh Carpaccio

The thigh has the most of amount of meat that can be taken from one ostrich. The texture of the meat is rough, but can be made into a variety of dishes such as steak and sashimi.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
  • ostrich thigh meat⋯⋯120g
  • tomato⋯⋯1
  • olive oil⋯⋯3 tablespoon
  • lemon juice⋯⋯1 tablespoon
  • salt⋯⋯a pinch
  • garlic (tube)⋯⋯1 tablespoon
  • dry packaged basil⋯⋯a good amount
  1. Slice thigh meat and cool it in the refrigerator.Thinned slice thigh meat
  2. Dice the tomatoes.Diced tomatoes.
  3. Put olive oil in a frying pan and add the diced tomatoes, lemon juice, salt,  garlic, and basil to make sauce.diced tomatoes, lemon juice, salt, and garlic, and basil to make sauce
  4. 4.Stop the heat once all ingredients are mixed and heated. Mix the ingredients in the frying pan
  5.  Cool the sauce, and set aside in the refrigerator.
  7. Plate the ostrich meat and add sauce on top.

Drum Stick Japanese Stew

Drum Stick Japanese Stew

The drum stick is a firm meat. It’s great for finely chopped dishes and stews.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
  • ostrich thigh meat⋯⋯80g
  • boiled egg⋯⋯2
  • the green part of a Japanese leek
  • garlic⋯⋯a good amount
  • ginger⋯⋯a good amount
  • sugar⋯⋯2 tablespoon
  • sake⋯⋯3 tablespoon
  • water⋯⋯250cc
  • soy sauce⋯⋯4 tablespoon
  • vegetable oil⋯⋯a good amount
  1.  Boil the eggs and set aside for later.
  2.  Add vegetable oil into the frying pan and cook the thigh meat. Cook about 3 minutes for each side.Cooking thigh meat with frying pan
  3.  Add sugar, sake, water, the green part of the Japanese leek, garlic, ginger and boil. Remove the harshness. Add sugar, sake, water, the green part of the Japanese leek, garlic, ginger and boil.
  4.  Place the lid on the frying pan and stew for 7 minutes.
  5.  Add soy sauce and the boiled eggs and stew again for another 7 minutes.
  6.  Plate and the dish is complete! Cut the eggs in half for better plating.

Ostrich meets all conditions that are considered good for weight loss. For those who feel that it’s difficult to lose weight using other meats, why not switch up the usual recipe with ostrich meat!  It’s definitely something  you’ll enjoy!



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