
  • 最高に美味い!絶対おすすめです!
    性別: 男性
    年代: 60代以上
  • Really good
    My first time cooking pulled pork and this set made it so easy.
  • Five stars and a thumbs up!
    This was wonderful, My Wife and I ordered it, as I have been craving Pulled Pork for 8 years now...
    I not only got the pork, but I learned how to make it. I will order it again.
    Joel and Michiko
  • ホットどころじゃあない!
  • Pulled Pork
    I noticed the special offer for the Pulled Pork set and decided to try it out for a party with five adults.
    The kit for the "Spicy version" arrived with the spice jar and bbq sauce. I checked out the written recipe and the video and followed them exactly. Wear food handling gloves (which I did not) because rubbing the spices into the pork with cover your fingers with a sticky paste. I spiced the pork generously and I still have half the jar left. The pork pieces and 400 ml of water fit into my 18" fry pan. It took close to two hours for the liquid to evaporate. I might have left it cooking 10 minutes too long. Next time I will stop cooking the pork when there is still a bit of water remaining. The pork shredded nicely and I added the bbq sauce. I used about 1/3 of the bottle. We had the pulled pork with a coleslaw that I made while the pork was cooking and the flavours went very well together. The pork was spicy so if you are sensitive to strong flavours, I suggest you get the "Mild" version.
    Everyone at the party enjoyed the meal with comments like "This is delicious". There might be one serving left so the quantity worked very well for five adults.
    I am sure I will get this again.

5 件



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