レシピに注意パラマリボ2024/04/12性別: 男性年代: 50代ここにあるレシピでオープンを予熱して200度で20分焼いたけれど中は生で血が出てきて食欲が失せました。もっとじっくり焼かないとダメ。
Easy to cook!Ryu2024/01/03性別: 男性年代: 30代冷蔵庫で解凍して、味付けして、寝かして、オーブンで調理するだけで、とても簡単に美味しく頂けました。
So nice!Kim2023/11/03I used them in my party and every one loved them!
Outstanding value. Always quality.N.D.2023/05/24To have quality bone-in whole leg that one just thaws and seasons, without any additional prep work needed, and cooks as one likes is actually a luxury. For anyone who loves to cook, this is simply an outstanding value.
Great!D-Dawg from Da Streetz2023/05/14I spiced them using a Moroccan blend. It was great.
NiceDaniel2020/05/24Thighs are great! Wish they were bigger