【Zipper-Bag】Original Sausage Variety Set Large-size 12pc 960g¥3,580 (txInc)
We froze 3 popular flavors individually.
4pc for each flavor, 12pc in total. Large-size.
Cheaper than buying individually. Perfect for taste-test.ALSO, the bag has a "zipper"! Take as many as you need, then zip it back.
【Zipper-Bag】Spicy Sausage 11pc 880g¥3,280 (txInc)
We froze The Meat Guy Original Spicy Sausage individually.
It's a large-size(11pc) but you can take one by one.
It's cheaper than buying them individually.
ALSO, the bag has a "zipper"! Take as many as you need, then zip it back.
【Zipper-Bag】SHOGUN Beef Sausage Large-size 15pc 825g Collab with Japan BBQ Association¥4,980 (txInc)
We froze SHOGUN sausage (collab with JBBQA) individually.
Large-size, 15pc in total.
It's 660Yen cheaper than buying 3 packs(15pc) individually.ALSO, the bag has a "zipper"! Take as many as you need, then zip it back.
【Zipper-Bag】WAKANUI Lamb Chops Large-size 11pc 550g¥6,280 (txInc)
We froze that popular WAKANUI Lamb Chops individually.
Large-size, 11pc in total!
It's 276 Yen cheaper than buying 11pc individually.ALSO, the bag has a "zipper"! Take as many as you need, then zip it back.
【Zipper-Bag】100% Grass-Fed Ground Beef 540g (45g×12pc)¥1,590 (txInc)
We made Grass-Fed Ground Beef into convenient-size pieces then froze separately.
Each piece is about 45~50g, and it's separate. SO CONVENIENT for cooking.
It is 40g more AND at the same price as the normal one.ALSO, the bag has a "zipper"! Take as many as you need, then zip it back.
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