KINSOU-DORI Boneless Chicken Breast 1kg
Kinsou-Dori, Whole boneless chicken breasts in a 1 kg bag! (Frozen)
SKU | C101 |
CONTENTS | about 1.00kg |
UNIT PRICE | ¥129 / per 100g |
Country of origin | Japan |
PACKAGING AND HANDLING | Keep Frozen at -18 degrees C |
Egg | Milk | Wheat | Nut | Buckwheat | Shrimp | Crab |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Kinsou-Dori boneless chicken breasts in a 1kg bulk bag.
Low fat, low calorie, and low in cholesterol. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and is very healthy.
Recommended for those who care about their health, those who go to the gym, and those who are on a diet.
1 pack contains 3 chicken breasts = 1 kg total weight.
Size of 1 chicken breast: 13 cm to 15 cm in length
We recommend placing the chicken inside another plastic bag while thawing to make sure no liquid leaks into the fridge.
※During the shipment process, the frozen products may rub together in the box and develop small holes in the packaging due to friction. The product has been vacuum-sealed during production. Even if there is a leak caused by friction, as long as the packaging is properly sealed, there shouldn't be an issue with the quality of the product.
Caution: Be careful not to let the chicken sit at room temperature for more than about 10 minutes, and clean and disinfect your work area well so that you don't cross contaminate.
Chicken breast tastes best when its moisture stays in the meat while cooking. You don't need to brine or marinate it, but a quick brine makes them even juicier!
You can also dredge the chicken breasts in flour before cooking. Season the flour with spices or fresh herbs. This will give your chicken a very subtle crust.
◆What is 錦爽(KINSOU)??◆
・The chicken was named with a "beautiful and refreshing" image in mind. So they called it 錦爽 (kinsou) . 錦(kin) – fine clothes, 爽(sou) - refreshing
◆Kinso-dori concept◆
・Processing is done at a designated factory.
・The chicken is carefully taken apart by hand and processed by trained craftsmen.
・Wood vinegar is added to the special feed.
・Poultry inspection is completed in accordance with the poultry inspection system.
◆What makes Kinso-dori so special?◆
・Reliable and safe product from Aichi Prefecture. The brand has established proper traceability (farm identification system), and the chicken is "fresh, safe and delicious".
・The chicken is given a sufficient amount of exercise from free-range feeding, so their fat content is low.
・The supplier used to run a feed processing company. As such, the are particular about their feed.
・From about 14 days before shipment, the animals have been raised on antibiotic-free and drug-free feed.
・Because the chickens are raised with feed that contains the supplier's own wood vinegar, they do not have the unique smell of regular supermarket chicken and are less likely to have a harsh flavor. These chickens are also an excellent source of protein.
・The chicken is handled and processed by trained craftsmen, so the umami rarely escapes during processing.
・The supplier is particular about the integrated production of chicken: from raising and breeding chickens, hatching and rearing chicks, to manufacturing feed, processing, and shipping products. They have confidence in the quality of the products that they produce.
・All their efforts make it possible to deliver safe and delicious chicken at an affordable price.
・If you want to get your hands on this top quality chicken online, The Meat Guy is the only place you can find it!
◆Other information◆
・Chicken breed: White Cornish ♂, White Rock ♀
・Breeding period: about 50 days
・Breeding method: Free range
The thawing time depends on many factors such as size, weight, packaging, and type of meat. Please refer to our thawing chart ≫here≪
A stapleMel2024/02/26The KINSOU-DORI Boneless Chicken Breast in 1kg packaging is a culinary gem that has quickly become a staple in my kitchen. From its exceptional quality to its versatility in cooking, this chicken breast delivers on all fronts.
First and foremost, the quality of the chicken breast is evident from the moment you open the package. Each piece is impeccably trimmed, with no excess fat or unwanted bits to contend with. This makes preparation a breeze, whether you're grilling, baking, or sautéing the chicken. -
脂が少ない!あいあい2023/12/15Gender: 女性Age: 40代日頃鶏肉は、抗生剤を使用していない国産のものにこだわって購入しています。こちらの商品は、出荷前の2週間のみ使用していないだけですが、平飼いに惹かれて購入。肉の間に脂がほとんどなく、綺麗な肉にびっくりしました。自由に動き回って育てられたのがわかる商品でした。抗生剤の使用についてもう少し調べ、問題がない使い方なら常備したいです!
自分は肉を開いて1枚丸ごとチキンステーキするのが好みです -
安心で美味しいあんバター2023/10/04Gender: 女性市販の鶏肉はなんだか不安なのですが、こちらのお肉は安心して買えます。
臭みがなく美味しいです。 -
Delicious and Good ValueRose2023/09/03We really love this.
Tasty and good quantity!Ben2023/08/11This is tasty chicken, good quantity, and quick delivery! Compared with ordinary chicken bought in the supermarket, this seems to have a more succulent and gamy taste. Also, it matters very much to me that the chicken is free range, and has (hopefully) had a good life. I appreciate that The Meat Guy offers such a product, instead of the supermarket chicken, which you often have little information about.
少々高めですがそれでもリピートしてしまう逸品です -
改めて、そう感じさせて頂けるお味です。 -
ValueGreg2023/03/27In these days of rising food prices, these high quality chicken breasts are holding their own!
大満足です。おいしい、すぐ使える、保存性もよい。Usagi Ito2020/08/23とてもよい鶏肉です。焼いただけでも十分な旨味があります。カレーに使ってもとても美味しいです。処理が綺麗ですぐに使える事も嬉しいです。冷凍で長く保存できるのでいつ使うかはさておいてついで買いしても良さそうです。1kgは3枚入りと書かれていますが、ものにより4枚の胸肉が入っていることもあるようです。解凍する場合はすべて解凍する事になるので、少人数向けの料理では無駄なく使える計画性が必要です。
肩肉(皮がガッチリくっついている場所)がくっついてるタイプなので、ピンポン玉くらいのサイズに切り取って使うと、また別の美味しさがあります。皮も肉と同じ大きさに残しておいて、皮で肉を包んむ感じで唐揚げに♬ -
TastyMari2017/11/08I always order this. Great value pack!
-Guest2017/10/16Great for just about everything: grilling breasts marinaded in jerk sauce, sliced for some chicken stir-fry, roasting with some lemon butter or sudachi... You name it! A great deal on great pieces of chicken.
-Guest2017/10/16I buy about 6kgs a week of chicken from TheMeatGuy. Cheapest and easiest place to get that great lean chicken breast meat.
I eat 6 meals a day. 4 of those meals are chicken and veggies. Sometimes 5. You can never go wrong with a perfectly grilled chicken.
Honestly, it's the price that keeps me ordering this product.